
The account-max-value-by-risk-score rule enforces accumulated balance limits in U.S. dollars for user accounts based on a protocol assigned risk score to that account via the application manager.

Risk scores range between 0-99. Balance limits are set by range based on the risk scores given at rule creation.

For example, if given risk scores are: 25, 50, 75 and balance limits are: 500, 250, 100, then the balance limits will be: 0-24 = NO LIMIT, 25-49 = 500, 50-74 = 250, 75-99 = 100.

risk score      balance        resultant logic
----------      -------     ----------------------
                                0-24 =   NO LIMIT
    25           $500          25-49 =   $500
    50           $250          50-74 =   $250
    75           $100          75-99 =   $100


This rule works at the application level which means that all tokens in the app will comply with this rule when the rule is active. Each token in the application ecosystem will be valued and contribute to the rule balance calculation.

Data Structure

An account-max-value-by-risk-score rule is composed of 2 components:

  • Risk Score uint8[]: The array of risk scores.
  • Max Value uint48[]: The array of maximum whole dollar limits for risk score range.
/// ******** Account Max Value By Risk Scoree ********
struct AccountMaxValueByRiskScore {
    uint8[] riskScore;
    uint48[] maxValue; /// whole US dollar (no cents) -> 1 = 1 US dollar (Max allowed: 281 trillion USD)
see RuleDataInterfaces

The account-max-value-by-risk-score-score rules are stored in a mapping indexed by ruleId(uint32) in order of creation:

/// ******** Account Max Value Rules ********
struct AccountMaxValueByRiskScoreS {
    mapping(uint32 => IApplicationRules.AccountMaxValueByRiskScore) accountMaxValueByRiskScoreRules;
    uint32 accountMaxValueByRiskScoreIndex;
see IRuleStorage

Configuration and Enabling/Disabling

  • This rule can only be configured in the protocol by a rule administrator.
  • This rule can only be set in the application handler by a rule administrator.
  • This rule can only be activated/deactivated in the application handler by a rule administrator.
  • This rule can only be updated in the application handler by a rule administrator.

Rule Evaluation

The rule will be evaluated with the following logic:

  1. The handler determines if the rule is active from the supplied action. If not, processing does not continue past this step.
  2. The processor receives the ID of the account-max-value-by-risk-score rule set in the application handler.
  3. The processor receives the risk score of the user set in the app manager.
  4. The processor receives the U.S. dollar value of all protocol supported tokens owned by the to address and the U.S. dollar value of the transaction.
  5. The processor finds the max value value for the risk score.
  6. The processor checks if the transaction value + current balance total is less than the risk score max value. If total is greater than max value, the rule reverts.
  7. If it’s a non-custodial style Buy
    1. When the Sell action is also active, checks steps 1-5 for from address.
  8. If it’s a non-custodial style Sell
    1. When the Buy action is also active, checks steps 1-5 for to address.

applied to can be found at ACTION_TYPES**

see ApplicationRiskProcessorFacet -> checkAccountMaxValueByRiskScore

Evaluation Exceptions

  • This rule doesn’t apply when a treasuryAccount address is in either the from or the to side of the transaction. This doesn’t necessarily mean that if an treasury account is the one executing the transaction it will bypass the rule, unless the aforementioned condition is true.

Revert Message

The rule processor will revert with the following error if the rule check fails:

error OverMaxAccValueByRiskScore();

The selector for this error is 0x8312246e.

Create Function

Adding an account-max-value-by-risk-score rule is done through the function:

function addAccountMaxValueByRiskScore(
    address _appManagerAddr,
    uint8[] calldata _riskScores,
    uint48[] calldata _maxValue
) external ruleAdministratorOnly(_appManagerAddr) returns (uint32);
see AppRuleDataFacet

The add function will return the protocol ID of the rule.


  • _appManagerAddr (address): The address of the application manager to verify that the caller has Rule administrator privileges.
  • _riskScores (uint8): The array of risk score ranges (0-99).
  • _maxValue (uint48): the maximum whole U.S. dollar limit for each risk score range.

Parameter Optionality:

There is no parameter optionality for this rule.

Parameter Validation:

The following validation will be carried out by the add function in order to ensure that these parameters are valid and make sense:

  • _appManagerAddr is not the zero address.
  • _riskScores and _maxValue arrays are equal in length.
  • _riskScores array last value is not greater than 99.
  • _riskScores array is in ascending order (the next value is always larger than the previous value in the array).
  • _maxValue array is in descending order (the next value is always smaller than the previous value in the array).
see AppRuleDataFacet

Other Functions:

  • In Protocol Rule Processor:
    • Function to get a rule by its ID:
      function getAccountMaxValueByRiskScore(
                  uint32 _index
              (appRules.AccountMaxValueByRiskScore memory);
    • Function to get current amount of rules in the protocol:
      function getTotalAccountMaxValueByRiskScore() public view returns (uint32);
  • In Protocol Rule Processor:
    • Function that evaluates the rule:
      function checkAccountMaxValueByRiskScore(
                  uint32 _ruleId,
                  address _toAddress,
                  uint8 _riskScore,
                  uint128 _totalValueTo,
                  uint128 _amountToTransfer
  • in Application Handler:
    • Function to set and activate at the same time the rule for the supplied actions in an application handler:
      function setAccountMaxValueByRiskScoreId(ActionTypes[] calldata _actions, uint32 _ruleId) external ruleAdministratorOnly(appManagerAddress);
    • Function to atomically set and activate at the same time the rule for the supplied actions in an application handler:
      function setAccountMaxValueByRiskScoreIdFull(ActionTypes[] calldata _actions, uint32[] calldata _ruleIds) external ruleAdministratorOnly(appManagerAddress);
    • Function to activate/deactivate the rule for the supplied actions in an application handler:
      function activateAccountMaxValueByRiskScore(ActionTypes[] calldata _actions, bool _on) external ruleAdministratorOnly(appManagerAddress);
    • Function to know the activation state of the rule for the supplied action in an application handler:
      function isAccountMaxValueByRiskScoreActive(ActionTypes _action) external view returns (bool);
    • Function to get the rule Id for the supplied action from an application handler:
      function getAccountMaxValueByRiskScoreId(ActionTypes _action) external view returns (uint32);

Return Data

This rule does not return any data.

Data Recorded

This rule does not require any data to be recorded.


  • event AD1467_ProtocolRuleCreated(bytes32 indexed ruleType, uint32 indexed ruleId, bytes32[] extraTags):

    • Emitted when: the rule has been created in the protocol.
    • Parameters:
      • ruleType: “ACC_MAX_VALUE_BY_RISK_SCORE”.
      • ruleId: the index of the rule created in the protocol by rule type.
      • extraTags: an empty array.
  • event AD1467_ApplicationHandlerApplied(bytes32 indexed ruleType, ActionTypes _action, address indexed handlerAddress, uint32 indexed ruleId):

    • Emitted when: rule has been applied in an application handler.
    • Parameters:
      • ruleType: “ACC_MAX_VALUE_BY_RISK_SCORE”.
      • action: the protocol action the rule is being applied to.
      • handlerAddress: the address of the application handler where the rule has been applied.
      • ruleId: the index of the rule created in the protocol by rule type.
  • event AD1467_ApplicationRuleAppliedFull(bytes32 indexed ruleType, ActionTypes[] actions, uint32[] ruleIds);:

    • Emitted when: rule has been applied in an application manager handler.
    • Parameters:
      • ruleType: “BALANCE_BY_RISK”.
      • actions: the protocol actions the rule is being applied to.
      • ruleIds: the ruleIds set for each action on this rule in the handler.


  • Pricing contracts: pricing contracts for ERC20s and ERC721s need to be setup in the application handler in order for this rule to work.

  • ERC721Enumerable: This rule utilizes the balance valuation calculated using the tokenOfOwnerByIndex function, requiring ERC721Enumerable