Access Level Structure
Access Levels can be assigned to addresses by Access Level Administrators through the AppManager. They are predefined as 0,1,2,3,4 and are stored as uint8 in the AccessLevels data contract. This data contract is deployed when the AppManager is deployed. The AccessLevels data contract can be migrated to a new AppManager during an upgrade to maintain access level and address data. Access Level administrators can migrate data contracts to a new AppManager through a two step migration process.
The protocol uses access levels to perform access-level-based rule checks.
The default access level for each account is 0.
Access Levels are applied to addresses. When an access-level-based rule is activated, all users will be subject to any limitations set by the rule related to their individual access level.
External Access Level Provider
An external access level provider may be utilized when you need to rely on controls and data passports provided by external systems. In order to switch to an external access level provider, the external provider contract must conform to the IAccessLevels interface or an adapter contract that conforms to the interface must be used. Once the external provider contract is deployed, the AppManager must be pointed to the new provider.