NFT Pricing
Setting NFT Price for Protocol Pricer
Ensure the environment variables are set correctly.
Set the price for each collection
Call the setNFTCollectionPrice function on the NFTPricing contract from previous steps. It accepts parameters of NFTAddress and price, e.g. (0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266, 1 * 10**18)
- Price is 18 decimals so 1 * 10**18 = $1
- Collection price may be updated at any time
If pricing for specific tokenId’s is required, they can be set by calling the setSingleNFTPrice function on the NFTPricing contract. It accepts parameters of NFTAddress, tokenId, and price, e.g. (0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266,12, 1 * 10**18)
- Price is 18 decimals so 1 * 10**18 = $1
- Individual prices may be updated at any time
Connect the pricing module to any Protocol Supported ERC721’s or ERC20’s
- Run the following for each asset’s handler: