Note: Not implemented yet

  • Upon creation of the contract the App Manager address passed in to the constructor will be the contracts owner.

  • If checkApplicationRules is called by an account that is not the registered AppManager the transaction will be reverted.

  • If setNFTPricingAddress is called by an account that is not a Rule Admin for the registered App Manager the transaction will be reverted.

  • If setNFTPricingAddress is called with an address of 0 the transaction will be reverted.

  • If setNFTPricingAddress is not reverted the ERC721PricingAddressSet event will be emitted.

  • If setERC20PricingAddress is called by an account that is not a Rule Admin for the registered App Manager the transaction will be reverted.

  • If setERC20PricingAddress is called with an address of 0 the transaction will be reverted.

  • If setERC20PricingAddress is not reverted the ERC20PricingAddressSet event will be emitted.

  • If getAccTotalValuation is called with an address of 0 a value of 0 will be returned.

  • If _getERC20Price is called with an address of 0 the transaction will be reverted.

  • If _getNFTValuePerCollection is called with an address of 0 the transaction will be reverted.

  • If _getNFTCollectionValue is called with an address of 0 the transaction will be reverted.

  • If setAccountMaxValueByRiskScoreId is called by an account that is not a Rule Admin for the registered App Manager the transaction will be reverted.

  • If setAccountMaxValueByRiskScoreId is not reverted the ApplicationRuleApplied event will be emitted.

  • If activateAccountMaxValueByRiskScore is called by an account that is not a Rule Admin for the registered App Manager the transaction will be reverted.

  • If activateAccountMaxValueByRiskScore is not reverted when true is passed in the ApplicationHandlerActivated event will be emitted.

  • If activateAccountMaxValueByRiskScore is not reverted when false is passed in the ApplicationHandlerDeactivated event will be emitted.

  • If setAccountMaxValueByAccessLevelsId is called by an account that is not a Rule Admin for the registered App Manager the transaction will be reverted.

  • If setAccountMaxValueByAccessLevelsId is not reverted the ApplicationRuleApplied event will be emitted.

  • If activateAccountMaxValueByAccessLevel is called by an account that is not a Rule Admin for the registered App Manager the transaction will be reverted.

  • If activateAccountMaxValueByAccessLevel it not reverted when true is passed in the ApplicationHandlerActivated event will be emitted.

  • If activateAccountMaxValueByAccessLevel is not reverted when false is passed in the ApplicationHandlerDeactivated event will be emitted.

  • If activateAccountDenyForNoAccessLevelRule is called by an account that is not a Rule Admin for the registered App Manager the transaction will be reverted.

  • If activateAccountDenyForNoAccessLevelRule is not reverted when true is passed in the ApplicationHandlerActivated event will be emitted.

  • If activateAccountDenyForNoAccessLevelRule is not reverted when false is passed in the ApplicationHandlerDeactivated event will be emitted.

  • If setAccountMaxValueOutByAccessLevelId is called by an account that is not a Rule Admin for the registered App Manager the transaction will be reverted.

  • If setAccountMaxValueOutByAccessLevelId is not reverted the ApplicationRuleApplied event will be emitted.

  • If activateAccountMaxValueOutByAccessLevel is called by an account that is not a Rule Admin for the registered App Manager the transaction will be reverted.

  • If activateAccountMaxValueOutByAccessLevel is not reverted when true is passed in the ApplicationHandlerActivated event will be emitted.

  • If activateAccountMaxValueOutByAccessLevel is not reverted when false is passed in the ApplicationHanlderDeactivated event will be emitted.

  • If setAccountMaxTxValueByRiskScoreId is called by an account that is not a Rule Admin for the registered App Manager the transaction will be reverted.

  • If setAccountMaxTxValueByRiskScoreId is not reverted the ApplicationRuleApplied event will be emitted.

  • If activateAccountMaxTxValueByRiskScore is called by an account that is not a Rule Admin for the registered App Manager the transaction will be reverted.

  • If activateAccountMaxTxValueByRiskScore is not reverted when true is passed in the ApplicationHandlerActivate event will be emitted.

  • If activateAccountMaxTxValueByRiskScore is not reverted when false is passed in the ApplicationHandlerDeactivated event will be emitted.

  • If activatePauseRule is called by an account that is not the registered App Manager the transaction will be reverted.

  • If activatePauseRule is not reverted when true is passed in the ApplicationHandlerActivate event will be emitted.

  • If activatePauseRule is not reverted when false is passed in the ApplicationHandlerActivate event will be emitted.

  • When PauseRule is active, checkApplicationRules transactions will be reverted.

  • When AccountDenyForNoAccessLevel is active, violation of the rule is reverted.

  • When AccountMaxValueByAccessLevel is active, violation of the rule is reverted.

  • When AccountMaxValueOutByAccessLevel is active, violation of the rule is reverted.

  • When AccountMaxValueByRiskScore is active, violation of the rule is reverted.

  • When AccountMaxTxValueByRiskScore is active, violation of the rule is reverted.