ApplicationProtocolHandler Invariants
Note: Not implemented yet
Upon creation of the contract the App Manager address passed in to the constructor will be the contracts owner.
If checkApplicationRules is called by an account that is not the registered AppManager the transaction will be reverted.
If setNFTPricingAddress is called by an account that is not a Rule Admin for the registered App Manager the transaction will be reverted.
If setNFTPricingAddress is called with an address of 0 the transaction will be reverted.
If setNFTPricingAddress is not reverted the ERC721PricingAddressSet event will be emitted.
If setERC20PricingAddress is called by an account that is not a Rule Admin for the registered App Manager the transaction will be reverted.
If setERC20PricingAddress is called with an address of 0 the transaction will be reverted.
If setERC20PricingAddress is not reverted the ERC20PricingAddressSet event will be emitted.
If getAccTotalValuation is called with an address of 0 a value of 0 will be returned.
If _getERC20Price is called with an address of 0 the transaction will be reverted.
If _getNFTValuePerCollection is called with an address of 0 the transaction will be reverted.
If _getNFTCollectionValue is called with an address of 0 the transaction will be reverted.
If setAccountMaxValueByRiskScoreId is called by an account that is not a Rule Admin for the registered App Manager the transaction will be reverted.
If setAccountMaxValueByRiskScoreId is not reverted the ApplicationRuleApplied event will be emitted.
If activateAccountMaxValueByRiskScore is called by an account that is not a Rule Admin for the registered App Manager the transaction will be reverted.
If activateAccountMaxValueByRiskScore is not reverted when true is passed in the ApplicationHandlerActivated event will be emitted.
If activateAccountMaxValueByRiskScore is not reverted when false is passed in the ApplicationHandlerDeactivated event will be emitted.
If setAccountMaxValueByAccessLevelsId is called by an account that is not a Rule Admin for the registered App Manager the transaction will be reverted.
If setAccountMaxValueByAccessLevelsId is not reverted the ApplicationRuleApplied event will be emitted.
If activateAccountMaxValueByAccessLevel is called by an account that is not a Rule Admin for the registered App Manager the transaction will be reverted.
If activateAccountMaxValueByAccessLevel it not reverted when true is passed in the ApplicationHandlerActivated event will be emitted.
If activateAccountMaxValueByAccessLevel is not reverted when false is passed in the ApplicationHandlerDeactivated event will be emitted.
If activateAccountDenyForNoAccessLevelRule is called by an account that is not a Rule Admin for the registered App Manager the transaction will be reverted.
If activateAccountDenyForNoAccessLevelRule is not reverted when true is passed in the ApplicationHandlerActivated event will be emitted.
If activateAccountDenyForNoAccessLevelRule is not reverted when false is passed in the ApplicationHandlerDeactivated event will be emitted.
If setAccountMaxValueOutByAccessLevelId is called by an account that is not a Rule Admin for the registered App Manager the transaction will be reverted.
If setAccountMaxValueOutByAccessLevelId is not reverted the ApplicationRuleApplied event will be emitted.
If activateAccountMaxValueOutByAccessLevel is called by an account that is not a Rule Admin for the registered App Manager the transaction will be reverted.
If activateAccountMaxValueOutByAccessLevel is not reverted when true is passed in the ApplicationHandlerActivated event will be emitted.
If activateAccountMaxValueOutByAccessLevel is not reverted when false is passed in the ApplicationHanlderDeactivated event will be emitted.
If setAccountMaxTxValueByRiskScoreId is called by an account that is not a Rule Admin for the registered App Manager the transaction will be reverted.
If setAccountMaxTxValueByRiskScoreId is not reverted the ApplicationRuleApplied event will be emitted.
If activateAccountMaxTxValueByRiskScore is called by an account that is not a Rule Admin for the registered App Manager the transaction will be reverted.
If activateAccountMaxTxValueByRiskScore is not reverted when true is passed in the ApplicationHandlerActivate event will be emitted.
If activateAccountMaxTxValueByRiskScore is not reverted when false is passed in the ApplicationHandlerDeactivated event will be emitted.
If activatePauseRule is called by an account that is not the registered App Manager the transaction will be reverted.
If activatePauseRule is not reverted when true is passed in the ApplicationHandlerActivate event will be emitted.
If activatePauseRule is not reverted when false is passed in the ApplicationHandlerActivate event will be emitted.
When PauseRule is active, checkApplicationRules transactions will be reverted.
When AccountDenyForNoAccessLevel is active, violation of the rule is reverted.
When AccountMaxValueByAccessLevel is active, violation of the rule is reverted.
When AccountMaxValueOutByAccessLevel is active, violation of the rule is reverted.
When AccountMaxValueByRiskScore is active, violation of the rule is reverted.
When AccountMaxTxValueByRiskScore is active, violation of the rule is reverted.