Note: Not implemented todo
  • Upon creation ownership of the contract will be transfered to the App Manager address passed in to the constructor.

  • If addScore is called by an address that is not the registered App Manager the transaction will be reverted.

  • If addScore is called with a value greater than 100 the transaction will be reverted.

  • If addScore is called with an address of 0 the transaction will be reverted.

  • If addScore is not reverted the RiskScoreAdded event will be emitted.

  • If addRiskScoreToMultipleAccounts is called with a value greater than 100 the transaction will be reverted.

  • If addRiskScoreToMultipleAccounts is not reverted the RiskScoreAdded event will be emitted for each address in the array.

  • If removeScore is called by an address that is not the registered App Manager the transaction will be reverted.

  • If removeScore is not reverted the RiskScoreRemoved event will be emitted.