Inherits: IRuleProcessorErrors, IInputErrors, ITagRuleErrors, IMaxTagLimitError
Author: @ShaneDuncan602 @oscarsernarosero @TJ-Everett
Implements Token Rules on Tagged Accounts.
Contract implements rules to be checked by Handler.
State Variables
Check the min/max token balance rule. This rule ensures that both the to and from accounts do not exceed the max balance or go below the min balance.
Name | Type | Description |
ruleId | uint32 | Uint value of the ruleId storage pointer for applicable rule. |
balanceFrom | uint256 | Token balance of the sender address |
balanceTo | uint256 | Token balance of the recipient address |
amount | uint256 | total number of tokens to be transferred |
toTags | bytes32[] | tags applied via App Manager to recipient address |
fromTags | bytes32[] | tags applied via App Manager to sender address |
Check the min/max token balance rule through the AMM Swap
Name | Type | Description |
ruleIdToken0 | uint32 | Uint value of the ruleId storage pointer for applicable rule. |
ruleIdToken1 | uint32 | Uint value of the ruleId storage pointer for applicable rule. |
tokenBalance0 | uint256 | Token balance of the token being swapped |
tokenBalance1 | uint256 | Token balance of the received token |
amountIn | uint256 | total number of tokens to be swapped |
amountOut | uint256 | total number of tokens to be received |
fromTags | bytes32[] | tags applied via App Manager to sender address |
If the rule applies to all users, it checks blank tag only. Otherwise loop through tags and check for specific application. This was done in a minimal way to allow for modifications later while not duplicating rule check logic.
Check if tagged account passes AccountMaxTokenBalance rule
Name | Type | Description |
balanceTo | uint256 | Number of tokens held by recipient address |
toTags | bytes32[] | Account tags applied to recipient via App Manager |
amount | uint256 | Number of tokens to be transferred |
ruleId | uint32 | Rule identifier for rule arguments |
check if period is 0, 0 means a period hasn’t been applied to this rule if a max is 0 it means it is an empty-rule/no-rule. a max should be greater than 0
If the rule applies to all users, it checks blank tag only. Otherwise loop through tags and check for specific application. This was done in a minimal way to allow for modifications later while not duplicating rule check logic.
Check if tagged account passes AccountMinTokenBalance rule
Name | Type | Description |
balanceFrom | uint256 | Number of tokens held by sender address |
fromTags | bytes32[] | Account tags applied to sender via App Manager |
amount | uint256 | Number of tokens to be transferred |
ruleId | uint32 | Rule identifier for rule arguments |
check if period is 0, 0 means a period hasn’t been applied to this rule Check to see if still in the hold period If the transaction will violate the rule, then revert if a min is 0 it means it is an empty-rule/no-rule. a min should be greater than 0
Function get the min/max rule start timestamp
Name | Type | Description |
_index | uint32 | position of rule in array |
Name | Type | Description |
startTime | uint64 | rule start time |
Function get the accountMinMaxTokenBalance Rule in the rule set that belongs to an account type
Name | Type | Description |
_index | uint32 | position of rule in array |
_accountType | bytes32 | Type of Accounts |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | TaggedRules.AccountMinMaxTokenBalance | accountMinMaxTokenBalance Rule at index location in array |
Function gets total AccountMinMaxTokenBalances rules
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | uint32 | Total length of array |
If the rule applies to all users, it checks blank tag only. Otherwise loop through tags and check for specific application. This was done in a minimal way to allow for modifications later while not duplicating rule check logic.
Rule checks if recipient balance + amount exceeded max amount for that action type during rule period, prevent transactions for that action for freeze period
Name | Type | Description |
ruleId | uint32 | Rule identifier for rule arguments |
transactedInPeriod | uint256 | Number of tokens transacted during Period |
amount | uint256 | Number of tokens to be transferred |
toTags | bytes32[] | Account tags applied to sender via App Manager |
lastTransactionTime | uint64 | block.timestamp of most recent transaction transaction from sender for action type. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | uint256 | cumulativeTotal total amount of tokens bought or sold within Trade period. |
Function get the account max Trade size rule in the rule set that belongs to an account type
Name | Type | Description |
_index | uint32 | position of rule in array |
_accountType | bytes32 | Type of account |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | TaggedRules.AccountMaxTradeSize | AccountMaxTradeSize rule at index position |
Function get the account max trade size rule start timestamp
Name | Type | Description |
_index | uint32 | position of rule in array |
Name | Type | Description |
startTime | uint64 | startTimestamp of rule at index position |
Function to get total account max trade size rules
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | uint32 | Total length of array |