Role Management Invariants

  • There will always be a SuperAdmin
  • When grantRole is called directly on the AppManager contract the transaction will be reverted.
  • When renounceRole is called by the Super Admin the transaction will be reverted.
  • When addAppAdministrator is called by an account other than the Super Admin the transaction will be reverted.
  • When addAppAdministrator is called with an address of 0 the transaction will be reverted.
  • If addAppAdministrator is not reverted the AppAdministrator event will be emitted.
  • When renounceRole is called with argument APP_ADMIN_ROLE the AppAdministrator event will be emitted.
  • When addRuleAdministrator is called by an account other other than an App Admin the transaction will be reverted.
  • When addRuleAdministrator is called with an address of 0 the transaction will be reverted.
  • If addRuleAdministrator is not reverted the RuleAdmin event will be emitted.
  • When renounceRole is called with argument RULE_ADMIN_ROLE the RuleAdministrator event will be emitted.
  • When addRiskAdmin is called by an account other than an App Admin the transaction will be reverted.
  • When addRiskAdmin is called with an address of 0 the transaction will be reverted.
  • If addRiskAdmin is not reverted the RiskAdmin event will be emitted.
  • When renounceRole is called with argument RISK_ADMIN_ROLE the RiskAdmin event will be emitted.
  • When addTreasuryAccount is called by an account other than an App Admin the transaction will be reverted.
  • When addTreasuryAccount is called with an address of 0 the transaction will be reverted.
  • If addTreasuryAccount is not reverted the TreasuryAccount event will be emitted.
  • When renounceRole is called with argument TREASURY_ACCOUNT the TreasuryAccount event will be emitted.
  • When addAccessLevelAdmin is called by an account other than an App Admin the transaction will be reverted.
  • When addAccessLevelAdmin is called with an address of 0 the transaction will be reverted.
  • If addAccessLevelAdmin is not reverted the AccessLevelAdmin event will be emitted.
  • When renounceRole is called with argument ACCESS_LEVEL_ADMIN_ROLE the AccessLevelAdmin event will be emitted.

Access Level Invariants

  • If addAccessLevel is called by an account that is not an Access Level Admin the transaction will be reverted.
  • If addAccessLevelToMultipleAccounts is called by an account that is not an Access Level Admin the transaction will be reverted.
  • If addMultipleAccessLevels is called by an account that is not an Access Level Admin the transaction will be reverted.
  • If removeAccessLevel is called by an account that is not an Access Level Admin the transaction will be reverted.

Risk Score Invariants

  • If addRiskScore is called by an account that is not a Risk Admin the transaction will be reverted.
  • If addRiskScoreToMultipleAccounts is called by an account that is not a Risk Admin the transaction will be reverted.
  • If addMultipleRiskScores is called by an account that is not a Risk Admin the transaction will be reverted.
  • If removeRiskScore is called by an account that is not a Risk Admin the transaction will be reverted.

Pause Rule Invariants

  • If addPauseRule is called by an account that is not a Rule Admin the transaction will be reverted.
  • If removePauseRule is called by an account that is not a Rule Admin the transaction will be reverted.
  • If activatePauseRuleCheck is called by an account that is not a Rule Admin the transaction will be reverted.

Tags Invariants

  • If addTag is called by an account that is not an App Admin the transaction will be reverted.
  • If addTagToMultipleAccounts is called by an account that is not an App Admin the transaction will be reverted.
  • If addMultipleTagToMultipleAccounts is called by an account that is not an App Admin the transaction will be reverted.
  • If removeTag is called by an account that is not an App Admin the transaction will be reverted.


  • If proposeRiskScoresProvider is called with an address of 0 the transaction will be reverted.
  • If proposeRiskScoresProvider is called by an account that is not an App Admin the transaction will be reverted.
  • If proposeTagsProvider is called with an address of 0 the transaction will be reverted.
  • If proposeTagsProvider is called by an account that is not an App Admin the transaction will be reverted.
  • If proposePauseRulesProvider is called with an address of 0 the transaction will be reverted.
  • If proposePauseRulesProvider is called by an account that is not an App Admin the transaction will be reverted.
  • If proposeAccessLevelsProvider is called with an address of 0 the transaction will be reverted.
  • If proposeAccessLevelsProvider is called by an account that is not an App Admin the transaction will be reverted.


  • If isRegisteredHandler returns false for an address, calling checkApplicationRules from the address will result in the transaction being reverted.
  • If registerToken is called with an address of 0 the transaction will be reverted.
  • If registerToken is called by an account that is not an App Admin the transaction will be reverted.
  • If deregisterToken is called with the address of a token that is not registered, the transaction will be reverted.
  • If deregisterToken is called by an account that is not an App Admin the transaction will be reverted.
  • If deregisterToken is not reverted the RemoveFromRegistry event will be emitted.

Trading Rule Allow List

  • If approveAddressToTradingRuleAllowlist is called by an account that is not an App Admin the transaction will be reverted.
  • If an address that has not been previously added is passed in along with a false for isApproved the transaction will be reverted.
  • If an address that is already approved is passed in along with a true for isApproved the transaction will be reverted.
  • If approveAddressToTradingRuleAllowList is not reverted the TradingRuleAddressAllowList event will be emitted.
  • If setNewApplicationHandlerAddress is called with an address of 0 the transaction will be reverted.
  • If setNewApplicationHandlerAddress is called by an account that is not an App Admin the transaction will be reverted.
  • If setNewApplicationHandlerAddress is not reverted the HandlerConnected event will be emitted.
  • If setAppName is called by an account that is not an App Admin the transaction will be reverted.
  • If proposeDataContractMigration is called by an account that is not an App Admin the transaction will be reverted.
  • If proposeDataContractMigation is not reverted the AppManagerDataUpgradeProposed event is emitted.

New Data Provider

  • When confirmNewDataProvider is called with a provider type of TAG and is not reverted, the TagProviderSet event will be emitted.
  • When confirmNewDataProvider is called with a provider type of RISK_SCORE and is not reverted, the RiskProviderSet event will be emitted.
  • When confirmNewDataProvider is called with a provider type of ACCESS_LEVEL and is not reverted, the AccessLevelProviderSet event will be emitted.
  • When confirmNewDataProvider is called with a provider type of PAUSE_RULE and is not reverted, the PauseRuleProviderSet event will be emitted.

Data Migration

  • If confirmDataContractMigration is called by an account that is not an App Admin the transaction will be reverted.
  • If confirmDataContractMigration is not reverted the DataContractsMigrated event is emitted.

App Manager Upgrade

  • If confirmAppManager is called by an account that is not an App Admin the transaction will be reverted.